So I thought I was good at climbing and generally being able to lift myself up a wall that I was paying someone else for. This was generally my experience after six months of climbing at hardrock and cliffhanger. So one day my friend John mentioned this bouldering joint, and like a lamb to slaughter, I went.

OK, first thing, I was probably the least talented person there, and second, bouldering is much much harder than climbing. The cost of falling from one is much much higher and you pull off more skin of your hands which makes the subsequent climbs much harder.

And the grades are so very different. At cliffhanger, the grades are generally V scale but at lacticfactory they are based on complexity of effort. So there is no way of telling if I do a V3 at Altona, how well do I do at lactic.

Insert prolongated sigh.

Going this wednesday again 😀 to lactic factory … WILL BE AWESOME 😀

Enjoy the video below as well.

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I have no idea what to write here :(

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